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Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's Ok Thursday..

Oh how I've missed this link up!
It's Ok..

* That I have not linked up for it's ok Thursday in months! I have had so much on my plate lately it's not even funny!

*  That I had to ground my son from going anywhere or seeing his girlfriend for a week! The boy only has two classes and is failing one of them! Hello he can't graduate without passing American History!

* That I have lost 8 lbs and can't seem to loose anymore no matter how hard I try! I've finally come to the conclusion that I'm perfect the way I am and am going to start living that way!

* That I am so frustrated with my dog Greeley! I can't get that dam dog potty trained! The little shit wears DIAPERS! Does anyone know what a pain in the ASS that is?

* That were going to a Halloween party next month and our friends want us to dress up as Gang Bangers again! Now the problem with that is people that didn't know us actually thought we were Gang Bangers crashing the party! lol..

* That I took this picture in a public bathroom! What was I thinking? Oh I know it had to do with the several beers I had consumed earlier.

Well guy's that's all I have for today! Thanks for stopping by now it's my turn to go check out what everyone is ok with on this beautiful Thursday..


  1. This year dress as Rap stars like your hubby be Lil Wayne and you be Lil Kim or something like that! hahaha! I'm so glad you're back!!!

  2. OMG love those pics of you two dressed as gangbangers!

  3. LOL! I am SOOOO glad to see a post from you! I think you need to drop Greeley off in a "nice" neighborhood! I can only imagine changing a dogs diaper. Have a good weekend girl!
