Hello peeps! Hope everyone is having a good week so far! I don't know why but I am feeling so happy today I guess that's a good thing huh! So let's get started shall we?
It's ok... That I just realized I had comments that I had not responded to!! Hello I had no idea because my dam phone was not alerting me and I have been so busy I have not had a minute to read any blogs! So to all my dear friends who did not hear from me I am sorry!! I actually enjoy responding as much as I enjoy getting your wonderful comments!!!
It's ok... That I am SUPER STOKED because our dear friends informed us that they are taking my husband and I to VEGAS in January!! Hello VEGAS!!!!!!! What a treat and they happen to be so fun to hang out with that I may be headed for a bit of trouble! lol.....
It's ok... That my husband grosses me out so bad sometimes and he just doesn't get it! How is it that a man does not get embarrassed for FARTING as loud as they can in front of you and not even feel the need to say " Excuse me!" I swear this morning I'm getting ready for work and the dam bed vibrated from the loudest and most disgusting fart I have ever heard!
It's ok... That I'm not sure what phone I want! I have the I-Phone 4S now and love it but am considering getting the new Samsung Galaxy because the screen is so big! I was really disappointed seeing the I-Phone 5 because I thought the screen was going to be bigger! Any suggestions???
It's ok... That I'm not overly excited for my birthday next month! Turning 45 is not going to be easy for me! I know growing old is a blessing but sometimes it just doesn't feel like it! I'm sure I will be partying it up 21 style cause that's how I roll.. LMAO.....
Well my friends that's all I have for now! Hope everyone is having a great day and I look forward to reading your it's ok's!!