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Thursday, March 22, 2012

It's Ok Thursday!

Wow It's Thursday Already..

* It's ok that I am way more excited than my daughter to go see the Hunger Games this weekend!

* It's ok that I am still really sore from running my 5K last weekend. It was so worth it!

*It's ok that my toe nail polish never matches my finger nail polish. I change my finger nail polish at least twice a week and painting my toes is a pain!

*It's ok that I have dozens of different colors of nail polish but still keep buying more and more! It's one of my obsessions!

* It's ok that I am putting my foot down and making our 17 year old son get a J O B!!! Between filling up his gas tank, giving him spending money, buying his girlfriend her birthday present (which wasn't cheep) and taking her to her senior prom he is KILLING ME!!!

*It's ok that now with the weather getting so nice I am starting to miss the hell out of my Jeep. I loved taking the top off all summer and feeling the wind in my hair!

* It's ok that I am really enjoying meeting so many people through my blog and starting to feel like I could actually call some of them friends!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. my parents made me get a job at that age too. well if i wanted to go out and do things then I had to figure out a way to pay for them. it was a not so subtle hint! He will like it once he starts making money and you can't tell him what to do with it haha! Gas aint cheap!!

  3. JEEP!?! Oh girl, we have more in common than I thought! I am a Jeep girl through and through! We just about a Grand Cherokee this year, but I wish I had fulfilled my dream and bought a 4 door Wrangler!

  4. I am so excited for Hunger Games! None of my Chicago friends are interested so I may have to drag my little brother to the theater with me! I also never match my toes and nails except for the day I paint my toes haha and OMG yes 17 yr old son needs a JOB, he's gotta support his gf habit :) HOpe you have a great thursday!

  5. i LOVE that last sticker! so funny. and so true!
    xx jes,

  6. Yeah...I stole that sticker. I feel that way too. Sometimes I feel like my only friends are in my computer... I know that's probably not totally accurate ... but sure feels that way sometimes. My kids are supporting themselves now...thank the Lord. but I remember when my daughter would start a sentence with "you know what I need..." I'd immediately stop listening. Wow a Jeep. That brings back memories. My dad bought me a Jeep when I was living in Yosemite. It was one of the old school "Jimmies" I think is what we called them. Nothing like what they have today. I loved it. Perfect for the mountains....not so hot on long freeway trips. I see you have your side bar filled. BRAVO! I know I got such great satisfaction when something I researched finally worked. Hope you're having a great day. One of these days I'm gonna steal your "It's Okay" for my post. Love it. Reminds me ... I so need to get my nails done.I love the acrylic...only because once I have the French pink and white(that's what they call it...just plain tho) it doesn't ever chip off....I'm not vain as much as lazy.

  7. cute cute blog! I can't wait for the hunger games- I can't believe the weekend is finally here!!! xo

  8. Love your blog and yay for HUNGER GAMES!

  9. love the car! and love that sticker haha
    love your blog! maybe we can follow each other?

  10. Jeeps are so cool especially in the summer! I am your newest follower and would love a follow back!



  11. Yay for Hunger Games. I still think it's weird that everyone is so excited for a movie about killing off kids but I can't judge because I, too, am excited.
    Did you get any of the China Glaze Hunger Games polish?? I haven't found any out here yet, but I'm keeping my eyes peeled!
    Hubs and I rented a Jeep one another island and it was fun! I think we'd both enjoy that car.
    Talk soooooon!

  12. I'm excited for the hunger games too! I have a feeling I'm going to be competing with quite a few teenagers at the 10 o'clock showing tonight!

  13. Let me know how you like the movie! Not sure if I will get to see it until next week blah! I am just getting around to reading its ok thursday on saturday!
