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Monday, October 29, 2012

Weekend Update!

Linking up today for the weekend update!
Friday... Started the weekend off with Happy Hour with my BF Amy. We met at a small Mexican Restaurant and talked over a few beers! I can't even begin to express how special she is to me!  Amy has helped me over some pretty major mountains that I don't think I would have made otherwise! Thank God for Best Friends! Then home bound to watch movies with the family. We watched scary  movies all night long!

Saturday... We all woke up cleaned house, did laundry and went shopping! I really wanted to get my nephew out of the house for awhile. I can't even begin to imagine how hard it would be to not only be in a wheel chair for the rest of your life but be limited as to where you can go in the house as well! I'm prying the renovations to his home will be done soon! 
My Daughter, Tyler and his Girlfriend.

Sunday... Woke up and met Amy at Starbucks for coffee! What a great way to start a Sunday!! While in Starbucks Tyler calls and tells me he needs more Preparation- H and asks if I can stop to get him some on my way home! So I walk into Walgreen hoping no one sees me. Looking around I notice the coast is clear so I head on up to the register and while I'm standing there with this huge tube of Preparation-H these 4 HOT GUYS walk up and start talking to me! I WANTED TO DIE.... lol... after turning 4 shades of RED I head on home to watch Football! My sister came up and we all watched the Broncos kick Ass again!! Oh how I love me some Broncos!!



  1. I got a good laugh over your Preparation H encounter. I'd die! hahaha

  2. What a great weekend! The preparation H story is too funny.
    I love my Cowboys but dang they're frustrating me like crazy!
    Happy Monday to you!

  3. Sounds like a great weekend! Aren't dinners with good friends the best???
